air quality Air Quality Testing

Is There Too Much Radon in Your Home? Only 6 per cent of Canadians Test for this Dangerous Gas!

Source: Article By Monique Scotti National Online Journalist, Politics  Global News

The government of Canada is gearing up for another public education push linked to radon, a potentially harmful gas lurking in high concentrations in close to 1 in 10 Canadian homes.

The long-term effects of inhaling the odourless, colourless radioactive gas have been known for years, but it’s only in the last decade that Health Canada has made a concerted effort to educate people about radon.

After tobacco, it’s the second leading cause of lung cancer in Canada, and is responsible for up to 3,300 deaths per year. But only one in two households has even heard about it, according to Statistics Canada.

Goodarzi pointed out that of all the cancer-causing agents people are exposed to, radon is one of the easiest to tackle. Nobody’s addicted to it, he noted, and there’s no lobby supporting it.

“It’s possibly the lowest-hanging fruit for a citizen to reduce potentially a lethal source of cancer for them,” Goodarzi said.  “I know people with a Smart TV that costs double what it would take to prevent your family from getting a lethal lung cancer.”

Still, Health Canada says only six per cent of Canadian homeowners have actually tested for the gas.

Who should worry about radon?

Radon gas originates beneath our feet, produced by the decay of uranium found in soil, rock or water. It’s found in just about every building.

The concentrations are usually too low to cause problems, but anything over 200 Bq/m3 is considered potentially harmful over an extended period of time.

Living for decades in a home with concentrations above 800 Bq/m3 is more likely to kill you than all accidental causes of death combined, according to Health Canada.

Watch this video from Mike Holmes to find out more on the topic. Testing and inspection by a certified radon specialist is key.

 What can homeowners do?

The first, best step is to hire a certified radon expert.  Comfort Plus ClimateCare employs a variety of radon specialists who are certified in Radon Measurement and Mitigation.  Contact us today to find out more at: (519) 658-6441.

Radon is a serious culprit and concern for indoor air quality, but there are many other contaminants to be aware of.

Comfort Plus ClimateCare’s Indoor Air Quality Systems can Eliminate 99.3% of Contaminants

There are an estimated 1,000 contaminants in our homes, which can cause up to 50% of illnesses while also aggravating allergies and asthma.

Our thorough indoor air quality testing system can eliminate up to 99.3% of these contaminants and help you get a cleaner, healthier home. Talk to one of our personal climate experts to learn more about how we can improve your indoor air quality.

Our technicians are dedicated to providing you with superior service, and are happy to answer any and all questions about the testing process and how our systems can help you improve the air quality of your home.

Ready to get started on having a cleaner home with cleaner air?  Request a quote today at:


