air quality filters furnaces

Show Your Furnace Some Love and Change Your Filter this Summer!

Changing your furnace filter at this time of year might sound like a strange concept, right?  After all, with the hot temperatures we’ve been experiencing, who thinks of furnaces?!  As the experts in HVAC, we wanted to convey why it’s really important to change your filters … here are a few key factors to consider.

Most of today’s HVAC systems consist of ducting through which your furnace’s forced-heated air flows and your central air conditioning flows, in addition to an air exchange system that literally exchanges (in/out) the air of your home. Most of us just naturally tend to be fairly cognizant of changing that filter in the winter, but think of it less often, if at all, during the summer months.


Since all of the air that you breathe in your home flows through the furnace filter, it is extremely important that this filter be changed, at the very least, every three months if not monthly. The same HVAC system that moves air throughout your home during the winter, will be moving the air throughout your home in the summer. Your air filter has an effect on the quality of your indoor air, as well as the efficiency of your cooling system. Your filter can become clogged as it collects dust, pet dander, pollen, etc., making it more difficult for air to get through. It can cause the fans to work harder, thereby increasing your energy bill.  Frequent filter changes will also help to increase the lifespan of your entire HVAC system and increase the efficiency of the cooling system in your house.

Don’t let dirty filters hinder the work of your HVAC system or harm your indoor air quality, regardless of the season. Anytime you need maintenance or repairs, make sure to call your local HVAC professional at Comfort Plus ClimateCARE.  We will ensure the proper functioning of your ventilating system all year long.

For more information and a free quote on HVAC systems, contact Comfort Plus ClimateCARE at (519) 658-6441.  We’re here to help!

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