Now’s the Time to Book Fall Furnace Maintenance

Furnace maintenance Summer’s over. Fall has just begun.

Before you know it, winter will arrive and your furnace will be working overtime to keep you and your family warm and toasty.

Here’s the big question: Is your furnace ready for it?

The best way to ensure it will be is to book a fall furnace maintenance visit from Comfort Plus ClimateCare.

It’s kind of like training for a marathon: You don’t just show up and hope you can do it.

Instead, prepare beforehand. When race day comes, you’ll be able to go the distance.

Look at it this way:

  • Your furnace is the runner.
  • Winter is the marathon.

With that in mind, here are some of the things we do in autumn to get your furnace ready to run all winter long.

Fall cleaning

You probably haven’t turned on (or even thought about) your furnace for around 6 months.

That means pollutants like dirt, dust and pet hair are waiting inside your air ducts and the burners of the furnace itself.

That means:

  • Your burners won’t ignite as efficiently as they should. Your furnace will have to work harder to heat your home.
  • Hot air isn’t flowing freely through your air ducts. They’re probably due for a good air duct cleaning service visit.

Add it all up and you’ll spend more money to heat your home this winter than you should.

Dirty and clean air filterFurnace filter replacement

With a clean, new furnace filter, the air filtration in your home will be:

  • Cleaner.
  • Safer.
  • Healthier.
  • Less expensive.

Additionally, a new air filter will extend the life of your furnace and help you avoid costly, inconvenient furnace repairs in the future.

If spring was the last time you had the current standard or HEPA air filter in your furnace changed, it’s time to replace it; even if it was hardly used during the summer.

Thermostat check

The thermostat is the nerve centre for your furnace system.

Even the slightest misalignment or misconfiguration can negatively impact the efficiency of how your furnace runs.

Your ComfortPlus expert can inspect your thermostat for things like:

  • How smoothly it switches from cooling to heating mode
  • Delays or lags in responsiveness
  • Accuracy (especially when it comes to time and temperature programming)
  • Battery life expectancy

If we discover your thermostat is on its last legs, dealing with it now (as opposed to, say, the coldest night of the year in Brantford or Cambridge) is easy and quick.

Furnace flueOutside flue inspection

When was the last time you looked inside your furnace exhaust flue?

Animal nests, leaves and branches (remember how rainy the first part of summer 2017 was?) can make their way into the flue.

Those obstructions will compromise how well furnace exhaust gases (such as carbon minoxide and methane) actually escape your home and dissipate into the air.

Get a head-start this winter by servicing your furnace this fall

The first day of winter is Thursday, December 21.

It’ll be here before you know it, though.

Don’t get left out in the cold with an unreliable or inefficient furnace.

Instead, prepare your furnace for the long, cold winter by booking your fall furnace maintenance right now.

Get in touch today